




UTOPIA WORLD OF NEIGBOURS benefited from MCGinnity Family Foundation COVID Relief Grant which was used to implement a project titled ‘SCALING UP SMALL MILLET POST HARVEST AND NUTRITIOUS FOOD PRODUCTS’’ (UTOPIA MILLET MISSION) the support received through Enventure Enterprise. 

 The project responded to the adverse consequences of climate change present a real and present risk to nutrition and food insecurity, impacting vulnerable communities and livelihoods dependent on agriculture due to rising temperatures, floods, droughts, and other extreme weather phenomena. Adaptation through income diversification, resilient varieties, and less water-intensive crops is needed among other strategies to secure the food and nutrition security of millions of vulnerable populations, especially smallholder farmers. It’s in this context, millets are being championed as the crops of the future and a ‘climate-smart crop’, contributing to sustainable food systems, advancing food and nutrition security, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 2.  

A lack of dietary diversity has contributed to malnutrition and a prevalence of obesity-related diseases such as diabetes in many villages of Kyenjojo district and Uganda at large. One solution is small millet, a gluten-free “super-food” that is also climate resilient. However, both the production and consumption of small millet is low, mainly due to a weak supply chain, poor consumer awareness, poor yields, inadequate or inefficient processing facilities, and policy neglect when compared to crops such as rice. High drudgery in manual processing of small millet has contributed to the fast decline in their consumption in regions where millets are produced.  

UTOPAI women members are millet farmers and have previously been dealing millet farming and trade individually and now they would like to collectively join the millet value addition chain utilizing the standardized small millet processing machines for different market sizes and appealing millet food products. Translating these innovations into sustained change required overcoming failings in the value change and supportive government policies.

Our goal:

To scale up small millet post-harvest and nutritious food products working closely with female-friendly equipment’s and value chain solutions to drive production and consumption of healthy millet.  


1.         To boost the production of the nutrient-rich millets

2.         To stock from member UTOPIA and community millet farmers, process, brand and package millet flour for millet bread and porridge.

3.         To tackle malnutrition by introducing millet in the Public Distribution System (PDS) and other community nutrition schemes like in Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).

4.         To generate revenue for UTOPIA sustainability through fundamentally scaling up Millet processing venture beyond the project end-line.

5.         To create Job opportunities for unemployed single mothers who will be working in processing, packaging and marketing sectors of the project.


1 millet equipment manufactured for small millet processing unit and installed in Kyenjojo district.

l   1,015 Kilograms of processed millet produced and supplied to over 284 consumers per week.

l   1,105 kilograms of value-added food products, reaching 284 additional consumers per month.

l   Increased the capacity of end 5 users to operate processing equipment: 133 village level small scale millet farmers.

  6 New partners joining UTOPIA to expand market for ready-to-eat small millet products; 30 of the food enterprises increased sales by more than 15% and 8 expanded sales outside the Kyenjojo district.

l   Rural women farmers often poor entrepreneurs (mostly women) who primarily serve poor areas, are selling hygienic millet porridge and other millet products to about 110 persons each day

l   Increased the capacity of 12 VSLA to promote the reach of small millet food products among their members; 1,490 persons, mainly women, farmers and school children, will be educated about the health benefits of small millets through 14 local and district-level promotional events and 3 exhibitions.

l   More than 2,000 people learned about the value of small millets through programs aired on community radio, local TV, and text audio messages.

The project boosted awareness of the importance of small millets among consumers, producers, and policymakers.  The project introduced small millets in public food programs in Kyenjojo district and beyond and there are many opportunities for scale up as our village millet farming model has proven into an organized UTOPIA small millet initiative to scale up technologies and practices and to ensure institutional continuity of these partnerships and working relationships. UTOPIA is working closely with other partners also exploring and applying lessons learned from the project to other neglected pulses and oil seeds and we are exploring exportation market opportunities for small millet beyond Kyenjojo, Uganda.

Sponsored by.                    Enventure Enterprise 

McGinnity Family Foundation Inc.

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